“After” Tour

Curbside view . The Jalousie door window was an option. The entry step is well built and opens/closed easily.
The Airstream placard hasn’t been painted yet in this view. The tail-lights are the original Bargman 99’s.
Love the shine – not too harsh, not too dull. We had to take pictures in the morning or evening with our digital camera to prevent the glare from overloading the camera.
Another view from the side with the door open. The original buyer didn’t get the screen door option, instead getting the Jalousie window.
Another curbside view with daughter and “Mac”. You can see the new refrigerator vent cover.
Rear Streetside. The top vent cover is an original Hehr 14×14.
Hey! I can see myself – sort of. Here’s the serial number plate and name badges by the door.
A polished shine reflects all surrounding objects, resulting in a distorted look to the skin, or can result in a mural effect. The family checks out the shine….

Looking aft of the door (curbside) at the galley and into the bath. The refrigerator is a new Dometic RM2333 to replace the deceased M16. The LPG heater is under the oven.
This is opposite the galley looking aft (streetside). The sofa/bed cushions and curtains were made by Krista. The bathroom door is to the left.
And here is Krista at the tables that are stored to either side of the front sofa/bed. A privacy curtain that hangs from ceiling mounted snaps separates the two beds at night.
Another view of the front sofa/bed and both tables looking towards the door.
Straight-on view to the front. The lack of front overhead cabinets gives the interior a very roomy feeling. The “sea-foam green” Grimes 12v spot-lights are original.
Under all the sofas are pull-out drawers with the original fiberglass tubs. View is looking in from the doorway.
Another shot of the galley looking back into the bath. The cabinets are mahogany. That is a mirror in the bath wall above the window.
The shower pan occupies the center of the bath. There is normally a piece of padded carpet in the pan unless the shower is in use. The bathroom bi-fold door is just to the right.
This is the view from the toilet of the curbside closet and original shower head. The shower works great. There is an on/off switch in the handle for “Navy showers” while boondocking.
The Townsend porcelain toilet is behind the streetside closet. The shower curtain tucks against the closet wall.
Tour Details

The new aluminum Worthington 30# LPG tanks from Vintage Trailer Supply. The spare tire carrier keeps the tire from touching either the tanks or the trailer skin.
California won’t let us put on the yellow on black plates from 1965, so we settled for a fitting frame
The interior of the suicide door is Zolotone finish. These original door knobs and deadbolt are Weiser.
The restored nameplate in Royal Blue. They had been naked since being stripped in the ’70’s.
The streetside “All-in-one Service Center” door and the external water & power hook-ups.
A Bargman “99” Tailight Lens.
The very important Townsend porcelain toilet and the restored Badger enameled wood toilet seat.
The original spare tire carrier and the sandblasted and repainted tongue. The LPG regulator is the original.
Each window locks with two of these Hehr latches. They were all repainted with the Zolatone.
Same with the Hehr and replacement Blaine window openers. Here is one of the remaining original Hehr cranks.
Details cont.

The red and yellow marker lights (running lights) are original Grotelights and have dual bulbs.
We had to rivet on reinforcement plates and replace 2 of the cam-lock latches for the bumper sewer hose compartment.
The original Grimes ceiling lights. The three position switch in each one had to be replaced.
Overhead stow-bin with the door open.
Wheel and the chromed original moon hubcaps. Note tight wheelwell clearance. Getting the tire in and out is rough.
The unique and deco Bowen hot water heater shroud. Click on image for larger view.
Now that’s a hinge! The cast aluminum door hinge is why the door is just as tight 35 years later.
Potable water filler neck on the forward streetside corner. Made from cast aluminum. The hole is thought to be where the 1964 Bambi II had an air fitting to pressurize.
The original Weiser doorknob and deadbolt.
Tongue jack with the break-away switch hiding on the back side. The tongue is a Marvel (early RV manufacturer, also made refrigerators, etc.)
Details cont.

Plate by the “All-in-One Service Center” door.
The steel foldaway entry steps.
The tables stow away when not in use.
Original twin Grimes spotlights above sofa in “Sea-foam” green, popular in the ’60’s.
The Magic Chef oven bakes rather well for an oven this compact.
LPG plate above tanks. Note the Hehr window part number stamped into window frame.
The optional Jalousie window in the door. Click on image for larger view.
These single spotlights match the double from above.
All the cabinet doors are secured by these style latches.
The shower is great for “Navy” showers. There is an on/off valve in the handle base.
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