“Before” Tour

Here it is at its prior home in Indianapolis with the Dometic A/C perched on top. It just didn’t look right…..
The Caravel in use by the prior owners in the Summer of ’99. This is the picture that sent us back to Indianapolis.
Here we get to see the oxidized skin. The clear-coat was removed some time in the ’70’s.
Our daughter with “Myrtle” in the RV Storage yard before getting started with the restoration. Our city code doesn’t allow RV’s stored at your house. This is becoming more and more common as towns and cities grow up.
Interior looking aft from the door. The curtains were replacements, probably from the early ’80’s, the cushions recovered 10 years after that.
Looking forward.
Looking aft towards the galley and bath. The doomed refrigerator and A/C shroud can be seen here.
Next: “After Tour”